Choosing the right flooring store is crucial when you’re investing in flooring for your home or workspace. It can significantly impact the quality, price, and overall experience of your purchase. Here’s why it’s essential to choose wisely:

Types of Flooring Stores

When selecting a flooring store, you’ll likely encounter three main types: big-box stores, small strip mall stores, and distributors. Each has its pros and cons, affecting your shopping experience and the quality of flooring you’ll receive.

Big-Box Stores

These are large retail chains where you can find various products, including flooring. However, they often prioritize sales over quality. Here are some key considerations:

  • Margin-Focused: Big-box stores tend to push products with the highest profit margins, which might not always be the best quality.
  • Quality Concerns: Since they’re more concerned with sales volume, quality can be a secondary consideration.
  • Hidden Costs: Big-box stores often bundle items or add hidden fees, making it hard to understand the total cost of your purchase.

Small Strip Mall Stores

These stores are generally more accessible and might offer a more personal experience. Here’s what you should know:

  • Distributor-Based: Small stores typically buy from distributors, ensuring a decent range of products.
  • Affordable Pricing: They often have competitive pricing but may not always provide expert guidance.
  • Limited Expertise: These stores might employ staff who aren’t flooring experts, which could impact the quality of advice you receive.


Distributors offer a more specialized approach, focusing solely on flooring products. Here’s why they might be the best choice for your needs:

  • In-Depth Knowledge: Distributors specialize in flooring, offering a wealth of information and expertise.
  • Best Pricing: Since they source directly from manufacturers, you can often find better prices and avoid markups from middlemen.
  • Unbiased Guidance: Distributors don’t have hidden motives and can guide you to the best product without upselling unnecessary extras.
  • Well-Stocked: Because they deal directly with manufacturers, distributors often have a wide selection of products readily available.

Choosing the Right Store

To get the best flooring for your home or space, consider the following:

  • Research: Understand the type of flooring you need and your budget.
  • Visit Stores: Explore various types of stores to gauge the selection, pricing, and customer service.
  • Ask Questions: Test the knowledge and expertise of the staff to ensure they can guide you effectively.
  • Read Reviews: Check online reviews to learn about other customers’ experiences.
  • Get Multiple Quotes: Compare prices and services to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

In conclusion, choosing a good flooring store can make a significant difference in terms of quality, pricing, and customer service. Consider visiting distributors for their specialized knowledge and unbiased guidance, while small strip mall stores can offer a more personalized touch at a reasonable price. Be cautious with big-box stores, as their focus on margins and hidden costs might not align with your best interests.


If you are looking or a Boise flooring store, Spokane flooring store or Atlanta flooring store look no further than Rustic Wood Floor Supply. We have flooring stores in all these locations.