Hillsboro Hardwood Floors is a boutique mill located in Hillsboro, Wisconsin, founded by Kent and Salena. It is known for producing some of the finest hardwoods in the United States, with an exceptional level of quality control. With a smaller workforce, Hillsboro is able to carefully oversee every board and ensure that the final product meets the highest standards. All of the company’s products are 100% made and manufactured in the USA. Hillsboro offers a range of domestic species, including a variety of widths up to 9 inches and a true 3/4-inch thick board. The mill’s products are known for their long lengths, straightness, and excellent milling, with minimal overwood. If you want a high-quality hardwood floor, Hillsboro Hardwood Floors is a great choice.
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Wood flooring options from Hillsboro
FAQ About Hillsboro Hardwoods
Words cannot describe how maticulous and amazing hillsboro hardwood flooring is. The people who mill this flooring care and make sure each and every bundle is perfect. If you are looking for a tight tounge and groove Hillsboro hardwoods is the best option. It might sound crazy, but the beter milled the wood is the better the floor will look, last and perform. While Hillsboro is the one of the best mills, that also means thier prices are slightly higher to reflect the workmanship & craftsdmanship of their work.
As always Rustic Wood Floor Suppyl take smoisture reding sbefore delivering the wood to any house or business. We only deliver wood 6-9% moisture. If the reading comes higher we will not deliver this wood. Typically hillsboro wood is 7-7.5% moisture which is a great moisture content for the pacific northwest as we are a drier climate that requires better kiln dried wood for long term performance. You will notice that since Hillsboro Hardwoods wood has a good kiln drying process and is delivered at 7%~ moisture the end product of the floor is very flat.
What makes hillsboro different is the craftsmanship and workmanship the company provides to their product. You are able to tell the difference between a smaller mill – we call them botique – and a larger mill that mass produces wood at a lower price. Sometimes, it is better to pay a few cent smore for a better end product that you know will last decades. Some key points of the HIllsboro Hardwood floors you might be interested in knowing are:
- Amazing milling
- MIlling means your floor will stay tight, no random, funky noises and just a genrally better install
- Over/Underwood is the best in the industry (less sanding is needed)
- Little to no over/underwood means less sanding and less work after installation. This just shows how great the end product will be!
- Good lengths
- You get nic elong boards with only a few shorts. Every flooring manufacturer must stck to the NWFA guidelines, HIllsboro exceeds these for a better looking floor.