Ash Hardwood Flooring

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2.25", 3", 3.25", 4", 5", 6", 7", 8", 9", 10"


Select, #1, #2

Atlanta Office: (678) 691-0533

Boise Office: (208) 982-5749

Spokane Office: (509) 921-5585

Specs and FAQ of Ash Hardwood Flooring

Common Name(s): White Ash, American White Ash
Scientific Name: Fraxinus americana
Distribution: Eastern North America
Tree Size: 65-100 ft (20-30 m) tall, 2-5 ft (.6-1.5 m) trunk diameter
Average Dried Weight: 42 lbs/ft3 (675 kg/m3)
Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): .55, .67
Janka Hardness: 1,320 lbf (5,870 N)
Modulus of Rupture: 15,000 lbf/in2 (103.5 MPa)
Elastic Modulus: 1,740,000 lbf/in2 (12.00 GPa)
Crushing Strength: 7,410 lbf/in2 (51.1 MPa)
Shrinkage: Radial: 4.9%, Tangential: 7.8%, Volumetric: 13.3%, T/R Ratio: 1.6

Can Ash hardwood be stained to achieve a specific color preference?2023-12-11T01:18:41+00:00

Yes, Ash hardwood is receptive to staining, offering homeowners the flexibility to customize their flooring’s appearance and achieve a desired color that complements their unique design preferences.

How does Ash hardwood flooring respond to changes in environmental conditions?2023-12-11T01:18:34+00:00

Ash hardwood is known for its excellent stability, minimizing the risk of warping or cupping in response to fluctuations in humidity and temperature, ensuring a reliable and resilient flooring option for different climates.

Is Ash hardwood suitable for high-traffic areas in the home?2023-12-11T01:18:25+00:00

Yes, Ash hardwood’s exceptional durability makes it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas, providing a long-lasting flooring solution that maintains its beauty even in areas prone to daily wear and tear.

What sets Ash hardwood flooring apart from other options?2023-12-11T01:18:16+00:00

Ash hardwood is distinguished by its remarkable hardness, making it resistant to dents and wear, while its pale, creamy color and subtle grain patterns offer a timeless and elegant aesthetic suitable for a range of interior styles.

Why People/Homeowners Love Ash Hardwood Flooring

Ash solid hardwood flooring is a popular and timeless choice for homeowners seeking both durability and aesthetic appeal. Derived from the ash tree, this hardwood boasts a pale, creamy color with subtle grain patterns that add a touch of elegance to any space. One of the key attributes of ash hardwood is its remarkable hardness, making it resistant to dents and wear over time. This durability, coupled with its light hue, allows for versatility in design, as it complements various interior styles ranging from traditional to modern. Additionally, ash hardwood flooring is known for its excellent stability, making it less prone to warping or cupping in response to changes in humidity and temperature. Whether used in residential or commercial settings, ash solid hardwood flooring stands as a resilient and visually appealing option, offering both practicality and enduring beauty.

What Makes Rustic Wood Floor Supply Unfinished Ash Hardwood Flooring “Premium”?

Rustic Wood Floor Supply Unfinished Ash Hardwood Flooring earns its designation as “Premium” through a meticulous commitment to quality at every stage of production. The distinguishing factor begins with the precision milling process, where the ash hardwood is crafted with unparalleled accuracy. This precision ensures a superior end product, setting the foundation for a durable and aesthetically pleasing flooring solution.

One key aspect that sets Wood Flooring Supply apart is the attention to detail in the milling process. The tongue and groove fittings are expertly executed, resulting in boards that are not only straight and well-milled but also exhibit minimal over/underwood. This precision in milling translates to a flooring product that not only looks visually appealing but also contributes to a smoother installation process.

The quality of the wood is further emphasized by the selection of random-length boards ranging from 1-8 feet. This thoughtful approach not only enhances the visual appeal of the flooring but also allows for greater installation versatility. Proper kiln drying according to NWFA standards is another crucial step taken by Wood Flooring Supply, ensuring that the ash hardwood maintains its stability and minimizes seasonal movement.

Reducing the need for extensive sanding is a key benefit of choosing Rustic Wood Floor Supply Unfinished Ash Hardwood Flooring. By providing boards that are straight, well-milled, and exhibit minimal over/underwood, the company acknowledges that less sanding is required during installation. This not only streamlines the installation process but also results in a thicker floor that is more resilient and longer-lasting.

In summary, what makes Rustic Wood Floor Supply Unfinished Ash Hardwood Flooring truly “Premium” is the combination of precise milling, attention to detail in tongue and groove fittings, the selection of random length boards, adherence to proper kiln drying standards, and the commitment to delivering a product that not only meets but exceeds expectations in terms of durability, aesthetics, and overall quality.

Ash Solid Wood Flooring Grades

NWFA-NOFMA CLEAR ASH: The face shall be practically free of defects.

The following characters are admitted: Small burls (less than 1/8″ (.125”) (3.18 mm) in diameter); fine pin worm holes with no discoloration (one (1) for every 3′ (914.4 mm) in length), or in the absence of these, one (1) thin light brown streak (3″ (76.2 mm) long to be allowed for every 6′ (1828.8 mm) of length or equivalent).

Brown heartwood is allowed as follows: 3/8″ (.375”) (9.53 mm) wide entire length or 1″ (25.4 mm) wide for one-third (1/3) the length of the piece.

Clear Ash is usually chosen for its light color.

NWFA-NOFMA SELECT ASH: The face shall contain mostly sapwood, unstained.

The following characters are admitted: narrow streaks not running entire length of the piece; pin worm holes (up to three (3) every 3′ (914.4 mm) in length); imperfections in milling (torn grain) which will sand out; one (1) small tight knot (1/4″ (.250”) (6.35mm) in diameter) to every 3′ (914.4 mm) in length, small pith fleck (less than 1/4″ (.250”) (6.35mm) diameter), an intermittent brown machine burn across the face not exceeding 1/4″ (.250”) (6.35mm) in width; and unlimited cambium miners.

Brown heartwood is allowed as follows: 3/8″ (.375”) (9.53 mm) wide the entire length of the piece or 1″ (25.4 mm)
wide for one-third (1/3) the length of the piece.

Will admit pieces with one-half (1/2) tongue, full length of the piece.

Most defects are lost sight of after the floor is laid and finished, giving a good appearance

NWFA-NOFMA NO. 1 COMMON ASH: A floor with varying wood characteristics such as heavy streaks, stained
sapwood, and sound knots typical of this grade. All defects must readily fill and be sound.

The following characters are admitted: Broken knots up to 1/2″ (.500”) (12.7 mm) in diameter, pith flecks less than 3/16″ (.1875”) (4.76 mm) in diameter, worm holes up to 3/16″ (.1875”) (4.76 mm); checks and end splits less than 1/16″ (.0625”) (1.59 mm) wide and not extending through the piece, and sticker stain.

Minor imperfections in machining permitted; torn grain (not over one-fourth (1/4) of the surface, less than 1/16″
(.0625”) (1.59 mm) in depth); one (1) dark machine burn across the face for every 3′ (914.4 mm) of length, not
exceeding 1/2″ (.500”) (12.7 mm) in width, and 1/64″ in depth.

Will admit pieces with one-quarter (1/4) tongue, full length of the piece.

NWFA-NOFMA NO. 2 COMMON ASH: Defects of every character admitted but should lay a serviceable floor.

The following defects are NOT allowed: soft rot, broken knots where the unsound portion extends through piece,
torn grain over 3/16″ (.1875”) (4.76 mm) in depth, splits and open defects extending through the piece, shake and
pith flecks that are soft if over 1/4″ (.250”) (6.35mm) in diameter.

Knot holes and defects which will readily fill are admitted. Occasional scant thickness (hit or miss) on the back of the flooring board the entire length of the piece admitted, providing there is full bearing across the board at some point within three inches of the ends. A limited number of pieces with no tongue admitted.

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