Equipment for Wood Flooring in Atlanta2024-03-08T21:57:40+00:00

Rustic Floor Supply provides flooring equipment at our Atlanta, Georgia location. Having the appropriate equipment is crucial to ensure the seamless execution of your hardwood flooring installation project. Rustic Wood Floor Supply offers an extensive range of essential tools, machinery, and equipment to guarantee that your flooring is installed accurately and meets the highest standards.

From sanding tools to specialized machines, our equipment is not only reliable but also backed by a warranty. Each piece of equipment is meticulously designed for hardwood flooring projects, providing you with the tools necessary to achieve professional results. Making the right tool choices for your project is key to optimizing your flooring and ensuring a professional finish.

Equipment Brands:

Belt Sanders

Belt sanders are a fundamental tool for various sanding projects, with a particular importance in hardwood flooring applications. These robust machines are specifically engineered to strip the finish from flooring, facilitating the creation of a smooth and uniform surface. Commonly known as “big machines,” belt sanders wield a pivotal influence on the overall appearance of the final floor.

To ensure peak performance, it is imperative to verify the cleanliness of the wheels, the good condition of the drum, and the reliability of the power source before operating a belt sander. By adhering to these straightforward steps, you can maximize the effectiveness of your belt sander and attain professional-grade results.


Edgers play a critical role in hardwood flooring installation projects, enabling access to small and challenging-to-reach areas like corners, wall perimeters, and beneath toe kicks. The choice of the right edger can significantly enhance project efficiency and quality, ultimately saving time and reducing the labor required.

A variety of edger styles are accessible in the market, and the selection of the most suitable machine may vary depending on the specific project requirements of different companies. Regardless of the style chosen, the use of an edger can have a substantial impact on the successful completion of your flooring project.

Planetary Sanders

Planetary sanders are specialized tools employed for the flattening and preparation of hardwood flooring projects before the finishing phase. While planetary sanders have been in use for some time, recent advancements in design have brought about significant changes in the market. These sanders utilize multiple heads equipped with sandpaper to uniformly sand the floor, resulting in a smooth and clean surface.

In light of their user-friendliness and superior performance, many companies are transitioning from traditional buffers to planetary sanders. Numerous contractors have recognized the enhanced results achieved with these sanders, deeming them a valuable addition to their arsenal of tools.

lagler trio


Pallmann Spider



Buffers are highly versatile machines with a multitude of applications in wood flooring projects. They serve a range of purposes, including final sanding passes to address inter-coat abrasions, staining, cleaning, and more. Buffers have maintained their status as a cornerstone in wood flooring for many years, renowned for their versatility and their integral role throughout various stages of the project.

In fact, buffers are frequently regarded as one of the most indispensable tools in wood flooring, owing to their extensive applicability and their efficacy at different points in the project.


Nailers are an essential tool for every hardwood flooring installation project. Rustic Wood Floor Supply provides a diverse selection of wood flooring nailers, each tailored for specific applications. To make the nailing process less physically taxing, we suggest investing in a nailer with rollers. High-quality nail guns are constructed for long-lasting performance and can withstand the test of time with proper maintenance. In the rare event of a malfunction, they are typically straightforward to repair. Whatever your specific requirements, Rustic Wood Floor Supply has a suitable nailer for your project.

Equipment FAQ’s

The glue is so easy to use – does that mean it is not sticky?2024-03-08T16:41:38+00:00

No, just because it is easier to spread does not mean it is less sticky. The beauty of a Silane based glue for flooring is that is moves with the wood and is extremely sticky without ruining the wood flooring if it touches it.

Can these Silane glues work with hardwood, engineered and LVP floors?2024-03-08T16:42:35+00:00

Yes, the Silane glues we sell work for all the products that we sell.

What width does Silane based glues allow you to glue down?2024-03-08T16:42:21+00:00

Different glues allow for different widths. It is recommended to check the label and buy accordingly. Each of our glues has the width rating listed on their respective pages. Some of the glues allow unlimited width.

How do you clean Silane based glues?2024-03-08T16:42:06+00:00

It is recommended to clean the glue droppings/mess up within 45 min as it is not skinned over yeat and has yet to bond to anything. The easiest way to do this is with a damp cloth.

What is Saline Glue?2024-03-08T16:41:55+00:00

Silane glue is a very popular hardwood flooring glue that is considered “new” generation of glues. These glues offer no need to mix, dry fast and have awesome elasticity. Typically these glues have a skin time of 4-60 min and a full cure time of 18-24 hours. We recommend Silane glues from pallmann and loba as they work well in our climate to allow movement without sheering the glue to board bond.

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